What To Wear Guide

Deciding what to wear for photos might seem overwhelming, but fear not! I've compiled some suggestions to ensure you both look fabulous and keep the focus on your love, rather than your wardrobe. Disclaimer: I'm no fashion expert; my daily attire consists of linen pants and a singlet, so you probably have better style than I do!
These are just guidelines, not strict rules. Feel free to show up in potato sacks if that's your vibe.

Ultimately, my goal is for you to look like yourselves. Ignore these guidelines if they don't resonate with your style; your comfort is key. Many people shop for new clothes before a shoot, but I recommend bringing items you love and already wear. An old band t-shirt and ripped jeans? Perfect. The essence is to represent who you are right now, even if you might chuckle at your outfit in 20 years. And trust me, your partner will appreciate not being forced into an outfit they find silly.

Consider the shooting conditions and locations. If we're adventuring up a mountain, wear sturdy shoes; if it's a sandy beach, ditch the heels (unless you're a heel-walking prodigy). Dress according to the weather—layers for cold days, breathable clothes for hot ones. The goal is maximum comfort!

Patterns can be tricky; opt for smaller, subtle ones to avoid distracting from your beautiful faces. Flannels are a safe bet, but don't overload on patterns—it can make photos feel chaotic. Be sure to iron your clothes beforehand to avoid any distracting wrinkles.

Choose fabrics that effortlessly sway and adapt to your movements. Opt for materials that embrace a cozy texture, catch the breeze gracefully, filter the evening sunlight, and radiate in the morning glow. Natural fibers such as linen, cotton, or wool work wonders. Steer clear of rigid garments with collars, as they tend to appear overly formal, often getting tucked in awkward places and requiring constant adjustment.

Similar to bold patterns, clothing adorned with writing or logos can be somewhat distracting. We're not here for unintentional advertising of brands. Nevertheless, if the logo or phrase is tastefully done, in harmony with the shoot's theme, and aligns with your personality, I'm fully supportive.


As for props, they don't have to be cheesy. Whether it's a picnic, a motorcycle, your pets, blankets, or more, let me know if you want to incorporate props in a non-cheesy way.
P.S if you have a dog and you don’t invite them - I’ll be so sad!


Regarding hair and makeup, it's your call. My advice: do what makes you feel best. I personally prefer a natural look, but if you opt for professional services, schedule them at least an hour before the shoot just to be sure!
And keep the spray tans super natural!

That's a wrap!

If you're feeling uncertain about your attire, feel free to send over a few snapshots or let's craft a Pinterest board together. The crucial thing is to wear what resonates with your comfort and individual style. Be it the vintage jacket you cherish, a favorite sundress with a history, or those crazy earrings everyone else might question—embrace your unique self, and I guarantee, the photos will capture your essence beautifully.